Geological and Geotechnical Engineering

We offer geological, geotechnical and hydrogeological planning, consulting and site supervision for infrastructure, geothermal energy, wind power, hydropower and mining projects.


  • Development of geological, geotechnical and hydrogeological investigation programmes
  • Design, assessment and site supervision of geothermal energy projects
  • Geological, structural geological and hydrogeological modelling
  • Interpretation of geological, geotechnical, geophysical and hydrogeological data
  • Geotechnical design of ground and rock slopes and foundations of all kinds
  • Geotechnical expert opinions with a focus on rock mechanics and verification of stability for mining operations
  • Geological and geotechnical risk assessment and management
  • Consulting services and expert opinions covering all aspects of geology, geotechnical engineering, tunnelling, construction operation and construction contracts
  • Geotechnical monitoring, especially of tunnelling sites, design and interpretation of geotechnical measurements